adnan's kitchen


  •  1 kg. bass or similar fish 
  •  1 bunch green coriander
  •  1/2 bunch parsley
  •  1 onion
  •  Some spring onions for decoration
  •  1 head of garlic
  •  50 gr. pine seeds
  •  50 gr. almonds
  •  1 table spoon cumin
  •  1 table spoon sumac
  •  3-5 cardamom seeds
  •  1-2 hot chilies to taste
  •  Salt
  •  3- 4 lemons
  •  1/2 cup olive oil


What is Sumac?
Sumac is any one of approximately 250 species of flowering plants in the genus Rhus and related genera, in the family Anacardiaceae. Sumacs grow in subtropical and temperate regions throughout the world, especially in Africa and North America.
Sumacs are shrubs and small trees that can reach a height of 1–10 metres (3.3–33 ft). The leaves are spirally arranged; they are usually pinnately compound, though some species have trifoliate or simple leaves. The flowers are in dense panicles or spikes 5–30 centimetres (2.0–12 in) long, each flower very small, greenish, creamy white or red, with five petals. The fruits form dense clusters of reddish drupes called sumac bobs. The dried drupes of some species are ground to produce a tangy purple spice.
Sumacs propagate both by seed (spread by birds and other animals through their droppings), and by new shoots from rhizomes, forming large clonal colonies.

Adnan's Kitchen
Stuffed Fish
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  • Open the fish from the back ,not from the front,  and clean thoroughly then dry.
  • Rub inside and outside the fish with salt, the juice of 1 Lemon and some lemon peels then prepare the stuffing as follows below:
  • Chop  coriander, parsley, onion, garlic and hot pepper.
  • Crush pine seeds and Almonds and add them to the chopped vegetables.
  • Add the juice of one lemon to the mixture with salt to taste and mix very well.
  • Stuff the fish with the stuffing mixture and close the slit preferably with twine otherwise with tooth picks.
  • Place in an oven tray & pour on top the juice of one lemon and some olive oil.
  • Place it in a medium hot oven for nearly one hour, inspecting it occasionally .
  • While cooking, the fish would emit juices, use a spoon, spread the juices evenly over the fish.
  • When done offer it in the same oven tray unless you are able to remove it from the tray without breaking it to pieces.
  • Decorate the tray with spring onions, tomatoes and radishes and serve real hot